[00:00:00] Speaker A: SA.
[00:00:31] Speaker B: Hello, my name is Noor Al Masri. Welcome to Echoes of Impact with Noora. We believe that everyone is capable of making an impact and changing the world around them. So we challenge limitations and uncover stories that inspire a greater impact for you and the world.
I'm excited to see you as always every Single Tuesday at 5pm Central.
Whether you are watching on your TV listening to the radio station in your car or you are just watching on YouTube or maybe on the podcast of your favorite, I love to be here with you.
So we're gonna start as usual with a segment that is sponsored by Nura's books tax and accounting firm. So this segment called Save Taxes with Nura and what a perfect time. More than now we talk about taxes and how you can keep your your money with you and don't overpay in taxes. I don't want you to overb. I don't want you to pay what you shouldn't pay. So I'm here to help you keep your money with you.
Today we're going to be talking about federal freeze with my guests. So I wanted to sell you.
This is why it's important to keep your money with you. Because if your business or non profit or whatever you're doing in your life or even if you're just an employee having double relying on W2, it's really important to keep your money with you as much as possible legally. So what we do is tax avoidance which is legal.
I don't want you to do tax evasion because that can take you to jail and if I advise you with that, I'll carry with you and I don't want to go there. I'm sure you don't want to go there either. So in order to help you keep most of your money with you legally, I do help with customer strategies and I want to give you some tips for you. Whatever you're doing, you need to find ways to keep your money with you. And the best way to do that, I want you to think about starting your own business if you did not have one. And I want you to make sure you structure your business the right way if you already have one or even if you're starting right now because you might have a structure that is not going to help you save money. And what I mean with that is not being an escort because I know some of you will think immediately to have an escort. But this not might be a right structure for you in the beginning, not even like few years later. It might not be the right structure because you know what people saying on TikTok and they're saying oh you're saving a lot of money if you start an S corp. In fact, you could be spending a lot of money and getting yourself out of compliance. So you're not in compliance because there's a lot of information and a lot of things attached to an S Corp. There's a lot of rules you need to follow.
So technically let me give you a background of what people rely on and why do they think they you should have an escort because they say you sell, you save and self employment taxes. Because if you are an LLC or even if you're just a freelance, you did not have an llc technically for the tax purposes you are the same.
You have to pay self employment taxes. When you file your taxes, you do that.
Now you might not notice especially if you are doing it with a tax professional who do not explain to you what's going on. Or maybe you are just filling in an information with any tax software, self help like you wouldn't understand much because taxes are not really easy to understand. But you're paying self self employment taxes. So they tell you when you have an S corp you do not pay self employment taxes. So you save that money. But what they don't tell you, I'm going to tell you right now. You know why that happens. So let me take you back. If you were an employee on a W2, you know how you get your, your salary. But there's a lot of deductions there. That's your payroll taxes, benefits and everything. So technically when you have AN LLC or 1099, you do not have that benefits. So you have to, you do not have, you do not have someone your employer that deducting the taxes and bay them to the government. So you have to do that. You are responsible to do that. And hopefully if you must do estimated taxes you are paying those. But don't just like pay because you think you have to pay. Like there's also rules for that. We can talk about it later.
But now you have this business, you pay barrel taxes in lieu of the tax deductions that federal tax withholding or state tax withholding. If you're in state that withhold taxes.
So you're responsible now now when you are an S corp and S corp is an election. So you tell the IRS technically please tax me as an escort with the formal papers and application.
So you tell them that hey, tax me as an escort. Now you don't pay parole tax. Oh no, you don't pay self employment taxes anymore. But you know what you have to pay? You have to pay pay payroll taxes. Well, Nora, but how do I pay payroll taxes? I am not in a W2. Well technically you have to be. So once you have an escort, you cannot take a penny from your, from your company, from your business unless you are on a payroll. So you have to put yourself on a payroll because IRS wants those payroll taxes because you're not paying the self employment taxes anymore. So think about it. Now you have to pay payroll taxes. Now you have to file the quarterly, you know most businesses do quarterly payroll taxes for state and federal. You have to pay those amount. You have to be a provider for to take care of that. You have to do a lot of things. Then you're going to file your taxes. Now when you file your taxes, you're filing two different taxes. You're filing your business taxes, which is an S Corp and then you're filing your individual tax returns. While if you have an LLC and or 1099 so which is you are a freelancer, you do not have to file two different taxes. You only file your personal taxes. And that includes schedule C which represents your business or your 1099 freelance work.
So that's much simpler than an S Corp. Now sometimes you could save tons of money to be an escort, but you have to be ready for that. And there's no one answer to tell you, oh, okay, now you can be an S Corp. It's not based on revenue. A lot of people say it's based on revenue, but it's not because we need to know your entire situation. How many kids do you have? How many? Are you married? Not married. Are you? A lot of things needs to happen and need to be known before we know if S Corp is the best situation for you or is it to be just an LLC is better for you. So it's not an easy answer. That's why you have to really do a tax plan. And not a lot of tax professionals provide those. We at Norris Books provide tax planning. And this is a customized tax plan for you. And that takes care of the entire picture, your business, your personal everything. And we tell you exactly what's the best election for you. Like is it like just to be an S Corp or just to be an LC or maybe C corporation, who knows, based on your business or anything. And that is true for you if you are a new business owner or you've been in business for a while. Same rules, goes for everyone.
So make sure you strategize, make sure you plan how are you going to keep your money with you in your pocket? Because otherwise no one else will care about your money except for you. If you don't care about it, no one else will. If you do not plan to keep it, you're planning to lose it.
And when the money goes to the government, you have no control over it. So when President Trump right now like have a federal freeze that includes the money you paid in taxes but you have no control over it any anymore. But if you plan to keep most of your money legally and like say again, legally, you will be able to keep the money, have the control over your money and build your empire. So make sure you plan to build your empire. That's it for now for Safe Taxes with Noura. Thank you so much for being here with me for this segment and feel free to connect with me@noora books.com contact you'll be able to talk to one of my team and they can help answer your questions and onboard you for any service that of your choice.
Now I can't wait to talk to my guest today. We're going to be talking about the federal funding freeze that's going on in the news and it's going to affect every aspect in our life. So stay with me so we can talk to my guest today and you can get the most update, the most recent updates.
Stay with me. This is your host, Nura Mosri. And this is Echoes of Impact with Noora who be right back.
[00:11:53] Speaker A: Foreign.
[00:11:59] Speaker B: Welcome back. This is your host Noor al Masri and this is Echoes of Impact with Noora. Last episode we were talking to my friend Brittany about the federal funding freeze and there was a lot of updates since then. So I want to talk about it again with the experts and who is better than my friend Brittany C. Brittany, welcome back to A Kiss of Impact to Nora. How are you today?
[00:12:27] Speaker A: Hi Nora. Thank you for having me back again.
[00:12:31] Speaker B: Of course. It's always my pleasure to have you. So for those people who did not watch you before because, but I don't know why, because you've became, you became a regular, regular guest for Echoes of Impact. So guys, if you did not watch Brandy before, that means you're missing a lot of episodes and go watch those. So but we still want to introduce you. So can you tell the people a little bit about you?
[00:12:58] Speaker A: Yes. And I am, I gotta be careful because of the changes in grants, how I, how I speak about myself and we're gonna jump into that in a minute. But my name is Brittany C. I am.
I'm a CEO of Freight Division, Plainly llc. And what I do there is empower nonprofits and business owners to get up to 80% or more in grants and corporate partnerships so they can, you know, to qualify for the funding they need. But of course, it takes work.
[00:13:38] Speaker B: Absolutely. What, what is there on the, on the world that you can get without being ready and do the work? There is no luck, right? There is no luck. Even if it seems there's luck, but it's never luck. But you've been getting ready and then the opportunity shows itself for other people. It sounds like luck, but you know what you did, so. Yes. So thank you so much, Britney, and thank you for always, like, accepting our invitation here. It's always pleasure to have you. And I know a lot of people will get a lot of value, especially for those who are expecting funding from grants.
And you mentioned last time this is affecting everyone. But let's break it one by one first. Give us the update on what's happening since the last time we spoke.
[00:14:31] Speaker A: Since the last time we spoke. And for those of you who don't know, it's okay that you don't know because this literally happened on the 27th, between the 27th and the 28th, in the wee hours of the morning in January.
So on January 27th at like 11am, our President Donald Trump sent an executive order to be in effect at 5:00pm Central Standard Time to freeze all federal funding. And that would have been over 2 million. No, I'm sorry, 2 trillion or $3 trillion. And that would have covered everything from food stamps. TANF. If you are getting any kind of government assistance, be it short term or long term, it would have affected you. And there was not as much information about it. And we're still getting information. I'm still getting the information as I. But I am spreading the word on this because everyone needs to know, should this freeze be affected, like, if, if they pass the mandate? Because I say this right now, our President Donald Trump has a temporary restraining order against him to stop it. So the federal, the federal funding is in place. We're out of the park, but we're not out of the woods. So at any moment, they could still freeze federal funding. But for now, we just, I just want the people to be aware of what is at stake in the, in the programs that could stop if there is no more federal funding.
[00:16:18] Speaker B: Yes. And like with President Trump, like, we are in a roller coaster. So we have to always watching and see what's going on because really we don't know what's going on and what's going to happen. But like I said, like, we need to be ready. We need to have plan B for everything and any aspect in our life. So, because he's touching everything, literally, not just federal funding. So what is the, the most important thing that people has to know and how can they prepare for that?
[00:16:53] Speaker A: The most important thing that I believe people need to know is simply this. You. It's not wise, and I'm saying this as a nonprofit specialist and someone who's on the front line of writing grants. It's not wise to solely depend on grants to fund your business or your nonprofit. Although it's helpful because you are spending the funder's money, you're not really spending your own out of pocket. And that's the benefit of. But the danger is what we're witnessing here. In a 24 to 48 hour period, it was stated that, yes, you will lose your benefits. And that would have been for any nonprofits and businesses that solely rely on grants as well as, like as I mentioned before, the programs that are backed by the government to ensure that single mothers and people of low income can afford their Medicare or their Medicaid. So it's really important that as a business, even as a nonprofit, you're supposed to be doing your community service work anyway. Shake hands with your neighbors and the people that are in your community instead of trying to go after grants, which are 30% by the way, and I always stress this, and it is the hill I am willing to die on, get the 70% up and running, which is your fundraising, your crowdfunding, anything that you are doing to spread the word about yourself. Maybe if you, if they are buying into a service that you're doing or say like a benefit performance, at least you will have specific donors coming in. And whether it be one time or recurring that are able to help you. The only people that were not affected by this freeze would have been philanthropists, private donors, and people that were able to release funding at will if they wanted.
[00:19:04] Speaker B: Absolutely. And we always talk about this like, build your donor base. And if you don't know how to do so. I actually have a program I have a course about, like, build your donor base. Technically, like, it's not called that, but this is how, what it does teach you. Maybe I should change the name. We'll see. But this is what exactly teaches you because like as Brittany's saying, 70 of funding has to be from your, from donors. Because if you come to me, come to Brittany and want to ask for donations. If we trust you, if we are your ideal donors, we will 100% give you the money. We don't need to consult with anyone else. It's our brain and our heart. That's all. We don't have a board to go back to. We don't have a government. No one can make an executive order to stop our funding to you. And that's the case for every individual and maybe the foundation. So Britney, let me ask you something like would that affect the state funding as well?
[00:20:16] Speaker A: It would affect some of the state funding and here's why. There are federal, there is a Federal Reserve for grant funding release from your state and your city. So I would say that the threat, the biggest threat would be the state where I live, which is Texas, because in the city that I live in Houston, we're called in only Houstonians known as are people from Texas who visit the city often. We're called a pay as you go state.
So all of our road construction and the plans that we have together to kind of reduce traffic and get that in order that way would stop almost overnight. And then with the rest of the funding that we would have in our city, it would be very hard to keep the roads going or to rebuild and continue to build any kind of supportive structure for Houston if the federal freeze goes into effect.
So it does affect your city wherever you're living, not just Texas, but across the 50 states.
It affects, yes, it even affects if you are if it's your job. Because if you didn't know half of jobs are ran by nonprofits. So your nonprofit organization is giving you a salary or a stipend, however much they give you, however long they give it to you in order to ensure that you're working. So it would affect that if you are a small business owner, even if it's by gender, if you're a man, if you're a woman, a lot of the resources that are helping women, whether they're a minority or non minority, it helps you with your business. It helps you with with everything that you have going on. So that would be a threat to stop because who else, if we're not speaking on ourselves, who else is going to speak for us?
[00:22:26] Speaker B: Absolutely. We're going to talk about what can we do to maybe stop that if we can after the break. But now let's take a break and we'll come back to Brittany and hear more about the federal funding who's apparently is going to affect the freeze that's going to affect everything. And every aspect of your life. But, but for right now, this is your host Noora Mosri. And this is Echoes of Impact with Noora. We'll be right back.
[00:23:15] Speaker A: Foreign.
[00:23:26] Speaker B: Welcome back. This is your host Noora Mosri. And this is Echoes of Impact with Noora. We were talking to my friend Brittany C. About the freeze and federal funding and that how is that affecting every aspect in our life in our states. So if you're a non profit, if you are on government assistant, it's gonna possibly affect your life. But for right now it's the, the executive order itself on freeze because Brittany mentioned that there is a restraining order on would you say, would you say like on the order itself or on the President Trump? I don't know.
[00:24:11] Speaker A: Both. It's, it's a temporary restraining order on both the president and what he was trying to do to basically push this executive order to go because it, this can't happen and especially suddenly there has to be things involved.
There has to be measures in place. There has to be things involved in order to make it happen.
[00:24:42] Speaker B: Absolutely. So how long is that freeze for like that restraining order? For.
[00:24:49] Speaker A: Right now the restraining order is indefinite. So whenever the judge decides to lift it. But that's why I mentioned what I mentioned earlier were out of the park, not out of the woods. Because at any moment, should the judge agree with our President Donald Trump, that freeze will be in effect and then there would be very little to do to stop it once it starts.
[00:25:15] Speaker B: Hopefully it won't start. But in your opinion, what, how do you see it happening? I mean just in your opinion, from what you know about grants and everything. So what do you think will happen?
[00:25:28] Speaker A: What I believe would happen is what I kind of mentioned earlier, the only people that would really be giving the funding would be private donors, philanthropists, those who are already established as nonprofit organizations that help other people maybe with in kind, they have supplies. But the other nonprofits that were solely rely on federal funding would be affected or they would have to shut down practically overnight and anyone else attached to them to that. Also if this is gone, how will, like how, what will, how will we start advocating for women or the LGBTQ or any other source that is a government source? For example, our friends in California, we know they've been having out of control wildfires, fema, which is government funding is there to help rebuild their homes. Without fema, how will they, how will the people get to safety and how will they continue to build if whatever insurance is not covering for them?
[00:26:44] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. I mean in my opinion, things like this will never. That's true. Like, I don't think. And that's just my opinion. I would be surprised if, if he was able to put this in effect. But we always have to be ready. Because I was telling my kids this morning, like, well, we, in the beginning or in the first term of President Trump, we were all like, overreacting with every executive order he does.
But we found out, like, gladly and thankfully in the United States, the president doesn't have that much power. Even if he does an executive order, there is a law he cannot break.
So I am hopeful and I hope that does not go through because it's going to stop everyone's life, literally. And it's going to affect our safety as American and everyone who lives in America, regardless of their nationality and background. So I hope, I don't think this is gonna go through, but that does not mean not to get ready. I feel like whenever something happened, this is a message telling you, hey, anything could happen. So you better be prepared and have a plan B. And like you said, Brittany, like, be ready with donors, be ready with other funding opportunities for your business. Maybe if you are working with governments, well, have some other alternative. But let me ask you this because that brought me another question and I know you know more than me about it. Government contracting, does that affect government contracting as well?
[00:28:32] Speaker A: I believe it would because the majority of it is federal funding. The best part of government contracting that I've, that I'm currently doing and I grew to love is whatever you're doing now, whether you're a business or maybe you're doing this part time with government contracting, you have, you have your regular 9 to 5, but you're doing Govcon as much as you can on the side. The payout is so much larger because that is the mandate from the government to partner with small businesses and give them a larger payout because they get hundreds of trillions of dollars in all the time. And that spending goes towards a lot. Think of your, think of our military, think of our airlines. Think of, and I'm trying to think as big as I can think of NASA. Without federal funding, we can't go to the moon, we can't go to Mars. We would be disarmed with our army if we ran out of weapons or try to use old weapons. So you see what kind of problems we would have. We would ultimately be defenseless in the event this stops.
[00:29:47] Speaker B: Well, that tells me like, it's not, it's never gonna happen. Right? Because Elon Musk wants to go to, to Mars and the president wants to send him there. So probably this is not, this is not gonna happen. We'll see. We'll see. Where are you watching? But Brittany, I want you to all the people who are not familiar with government contracting, what does that mean? And so maybe there are some people there like, okay, what does she mean? Like what Government's contract.
[00:30:16] Speaker A: What does she mean by government contracting? I'm so glad you asked. It's a part, I don't want to say. It's private, it's just not.
It's one of those, I hate to say exclusive clubs, but it's one of those, if you don't know much about it, you won't get in it.
But the only way to get into it or at least scratch the service is by joining Apex Accelerator. I tell anyone about it because the way they break it down is way better than what I'm doing. But as I mentioned earlier, and I'll dive a little bit deeper into that. The government has so much money that they get in hundreds of trillions of dollars, super huge money. This funding will go, as I mentioned before, to our military to help them with weapons. It also goes to small businesses. So if you are a business owner and let's just say your regular job is teaching, you're a professor or you who often give workshop presentations and let's say you charge a, just a small fee for those presentations with the government, whatever you're charging on your own, the government is going to pay you out probably hundreds of thousands or millions for the things that you're already doing.
And that's why it's so popular. That's why if you heard it now, everyone's trying to get to the government contracting, everyone's trying to get to the federal funding, everyone's trying to do that because we now just catching on that oh, the payout is so much higher over there than what I'm doing. But here's the other thing.
The funding from the private sector, who they depend on donors, they depend on philanthropists, their funding may not be as much as the government. The competition may be a little higher because with the government the competition is lower, but they're still sustainable.
And they may also, the philanthropists themselves may get maybe 10, 20% of government funding and the rest comes from them. Because the philanthropists themselves are already multi billion and trillionaires themselves. They don't have as much as the government, but they do have what they have.
So it's, it's a lot that goes into this and crunching numbers and doing it. It's not easy but it is worth it. Just to give you an idea of how, how much is included in this and another thing I wanted to say is none of this, none of what I'm saying, government contracting, federal funding, even philanthropy, none of this is a secret. All of this is public information. You can google everything that I'm saying because it's out there for the public. You can also visit sites like USASpending.gov and SAM.govgrants.gov to get more information about it.
[00:33:30] Speaker B: I just want to say be careful on the site you visiting that whatever Britney mentioned, those are secured site but be careful. Like maybe.com is different than.gov different net. You see a lot of things that can be scamming to you. So make sure you are looking at the right website and if you do not know or you're not sure if you're looking at the right thing, you can reach out to Britney and ask her about the information. She's been working and studying about this for a long time now. I personally whenever something I want to know regarding government contracting, grants, federal funding, I go back to Britney to verify because this is what she does. And actually she's, she has a legal background so she knows a lot of things as well. So I'm a tax professional. I go work and research on this because people come to me. But I go to also other professionals like Brittany when I want specific things. So be careful, don't be scammed with other people and let stay with us. We're going to be back with Brittany but right now we're going to take a short break and we'll come back after that to talk more to Brittany and to get a lot of more knowledge from her. This is your host, Noor Al Masri. And this is Echoes of Impact with Noora.
[00:34:55] Speaker A: We'll be right back.
[00:35:27] Speaker B: Welcome back. This is your host Noora Mossri. And this is Echoes of Impact with Noora. We're back with my friend Brittany C. We're talking about federal funding freeze and Brittany, welcome back. I want to ask you about the temporary restraining order. I want you to elaborate on that and tell me what exactly people need to know more. Like what, what's more we can talk.
[00:35:51] Speaker A: About what more we can talk about. And I have it pulled up here but before I get into it, I just wanted to say say just at least one more thing that would have affected the freeze which would have been like scientific and medical breakthroughs. That's also a part of the federal funding. So if they had a cure for all cancer and it was just like one shot that you could take, all of that would have been stopped had the freeze been into effect. But just to get into this temporary restraining order, and if you guys didn't Already know this, February 2017, I believe our President Donald Trump, he tried to do this then and then he didn't. He still didn't wait the time. And now he was trying to pass this overnight and they still declined it. And they titled this the Protecting and meaning and Value of American Citizenship. That's what they call this.
And they passed an emergency notion for a 14 day temporary restraining order. And this would have been in January 23, 2025.
And this is where we get to what I said. Between the 27th, in the early hours of the 27th and 28th January, 2025. This is why he was trying to push this, because he's like, well, I'm going to do this, but with all other orders in place, you can't do that. And it was a judge from Washington D.C. that stopped this. And they wanted more of an explanation on why he was doing it, but he couldn't really say why.
They were saying on here that it was going to be irreparably harm do irreparable harm. It was going to deprive people of their constitutional right to citizenship and all associated rights and benefits, including subjecting them to risk of deportation and family separation, depriving them of access to federal funding for medical care and eligibility for basic public benefits that prevent child poverty and promote child health. This is from the temporary restraining order.
And this goes to employment education.
This also, I didn't mention it before, but since the restraining order, it does have everything to do with children as well. Because if your child, if you're from a low income family and what has always happened with low income families, your children always got free lunch throughout their the or the majority of their school career, at least until they got to college. Your child always at least had something to eat at home and if they couldn't bring their lunch, the school provided them free lunch or you signed up for that. That would have been, that was a threat to be taken away.
And I'm just going to read another part here that was saying that to obtain temporary, a temporary restraining order, the plaintiff must establish that they are one, likely to succeed on the merits. And two, irreparable harm is likely in the absence of preliminary relief. And three, the balance equities tips in the plaintiff's favor. And four, an injunction is in the public interest. This is why we, a lot of people got into action, use their voices and said, absolutely not. So for those people who never sleep at night and they were telling us this like, hey, midnight, this thing is going to hit 4pm Eastern. This thing is going to hit at 5. Their ear has been to the ground and they were the ones that saying, hey, that's our constitutional rights. You can't do that.
I believe in order for this to take effect legally, it has to be a 30 to 45 day period and everyone has to be on board, not just the president.
So, yes, this is all here. And this is the reason that they utilize to say, hey, you just can't overnight stop everyone's benefits because you're either trying to take away their 14amendment right, which is the amendment for natural citizenship here in the U.S.
it's what we always went by in the U.S.
so that's something he wanted to put a pause on. Either to kick immigrants out that have lived here or illegal immigrants. Maybe they're in the middle of getting their documents or maybe they never had the intention to get it, but it was targeted to them, but it was a domino effect to everyone else. And this didn't matter what your skin tone or your nationality or your background was because of alleged illegal immigrants. This is why the freeze happened in the first place.
[00:41:23] Speaker B: Got it. So people are scared, like whenever they hear anything the president did, like everyone gets scared. What if, what if that now it's my opinion, like I was telling my son, like, I believe, you know how every president promises a lot of things in their campaign and then when they get in office, a lot of them, like a lot of promises are not fulfilled. Because in my opinion, I mean, this is nothing I do not relying on anything. I just, like this is my humble opinion is, you know, they don't, they know the law and they, they don't, they cannot, they know they cannot do this something. So their advisor told them, oh no, you cannot do this. So they end up like in front of the public, they're broking the promises. Now the President Trump does the opposite. He promises things and then he wants to show that he does what he promised. So he do those executive orders and then someone comes to block them because they are illegal and they don't go on anyway. But in the front of the public and the eye of the public, he did what he promises, but they blocked him. They are the evil, but he is the great man. So this is my humble Opinion. I don't know if you agree with this argument or not, Brittany.
[00:42:44] Speaker A: I do agree, and here's why. We've seen it. How many times has he been in office and we seen him say something and then he probably promises to make change, and then he does whatever he wants.
[00:43:03] Speaker B: Yes, yes, absolutely. So I wanted to ask you. Now we hear judge from Washington blocked his order. Judge from Texas blocked his order. So who are these judges? Are they Supreme Court judges or any judge can block the president order?
[00:43:22] Speaker A: Oh, no, we are like in our state of Texas, our highest order is the Texas supreme court. And in D.C. washington, D.C. is the U.S. supreme Court, the only supreme court in the U.S. and they have the power even over the state of Texas to block this. And that's what happened. And this was an emergency because like I said, they were going to deliberately deliberate for 14 days, and we were going to have a decision on February 3. But almost as soon as he said, we're going to pass this, they stopped him at like, as soon as this passed at 5 Eastern Standard, the judge stepped in at 5 Eastern Standard and said, no, this will not go. This is the reason why it cannot go.
[00:44:15] Speaker B: This is why we love this country. Because there is law that everyone has to follow, even the president, even if he doesn't want to, but he has to follow.
So. And this goes for every citizen and not citizens. So thanks God for the freedom we got in America, because. Leave me, guys, let's appreciate what we have, because not everyone has that. I'm originally from Syria and we never had that. Hopefully now the government is changing and because of the revolution and we have a great new president, we're gonna have that and we're gonna make sure, like, we're gonna have that because we have to live safe in our country. And America does guarantee that for every one of us. Even if you don't see it, we see it like, as immigrants, as someone who lives in another country and see it like we see it. So I know, like my kids, for example, they don't see that, but they didn't live outside of the America like they always been in the U.S. born and raised here. So they don't see how, how, how. What is it? Like, how fortunate all of us here in America.
So thanks God for that. Thank you, Brittany. Any final words? Would like to tell people because we're almost running out of time, and time always pass very quickly.
[00:45:42] Speaker A: One final thought that I want to leave the people is besides preparing and getting ready, think about everything that we've. We've discussed in the past episodes. Think about what me and Nora have said, either together or individuals, about preparation. It's not always about the funding for reasons like this, but it's better that you're prepared so you know what to do versus being ill prepared. And you're scrambling trying to figure out what do you do next because you are relying on this funding now. I'm not telling anyone to rob a bank. That's not what I'm saying. That's not a thought. But I am saying just prepare. Prepare for. Because like Nora, you, you mentioned in a previous episode, this is our warning to get everything together. This is our warning to prepare and make sure we get it right.
[00:46:46] Speaker B: Absolutely. Thank you so much, Brittany. Thank you for your time as always and for your wisdom. Guys, if you just came in like we come, we came into the end. So you can go ahead and watch this episode. When you go to NowMedia TV and you search for Echoes of Impact, you're going to find this episode so you can listen or watch from the beginning. Thank you so much for being here with me always, every Tuesday at 5pm Central.
I love you. I love to be here with you. I would love to hear from you. You can always email me with your feedback with guest requests. Like if you want to be a guest here at Echoes of Impact, just email
[email protected] that is hellochoes of impact. Net. That was your host, Noor al Masri. Until next time, keep making an impact.
[00:47:46] Speaker A: This has been a NOW Media Networks feature presentation. All rights reserved.