[00:00:32] Speaker A: Welcome to Echoes of Impact with Noora. I am your host, Noora Masri. Welcome to today's show.
We believe that everyone is capable of making an impact and changing the world around them. So we challenge limitation and uncover stories that inspire a greater impact for you around the world.
This segment is sponsored by New Wrist Books and this is Tax Safe Taxes with Nura. We're going to talk about taxes since this is the end of the year or, well, the beginning of the year, right? Everyone now is talking about taxes and looking for ways to save in taxes. And when you do your taxes with the right professional, that's going to help you achieve your goal for the year because you just ended a year and I'm sure a lot of you, if not all of you have a financial goal for 2025.
And if you don't have that financial goal yet, it's time to set it up. It's time to dream and have that dream on paper.
And one of the ways to help you reach the dream is to really make sure you do not spend your money in taxes. And necessarily, I'm not saying you don't have to pay taxes, you must pay what you have to pay. But sometimes and a lot of times I've seen it a lot with a lot of clients who comes to me and they be more than what they have to. They be taxes that they could simply avoid by a simple strategy that custom strategies just for them.
An example of those strategies, saving for retirement, donation for nonprofits.
Maybe if you have a business hiring your kids, if you have minor kids, sometimes they might not have, they might not be minor kids. You can still hire your adult kids. Like there's like a little difference there. But you can still because if, especially if they are home and you are spending money on them, they're helping you and your business. And a lot of time our kids helping us and our business. For example, my daughter did my website, my daughter did my social media and she did a lot of technical stuff, especially when I started my business. And she still helps me from now and then. My son helped me talking about my business, like distributing flyers, letting people know about my business, like intentionally.
He helped me sometimes with other stuff. So our kids help us regardless if they are minor or adult kids. You can shift some income to pay your kids well, that's going to save you a lot more money when it comes to taxes.
Other strategies is maybe having a specific account like Roth IRA for example, that's going to help your business or your money grow tax free so you are not in partnership with the IRS on that specific account. There are so many different ways that's going to help you save in taxes. Sometimes you think you cannot hire a person to help you grow the business. But if you do the math, if you did the analysis, if you work with the right tax professionals that can advise you on how to do that, on what, how you to spend the money, you might find that if you hire someone that they not only help you grow your business, but they are also helping you reduce your tax liability. So sometimes you have to spend the money you choose. If you want to spend it by hiring someone that's going to help you grow your business or you want to spend it on taxes because you made so much money than expected.
And maybe it's not so much as than expected, but that puts you on tax liability brackets.
Don't you hear that people, they have a lot of money, they don't pay in taxes, they don't, they don't do tax evasion, which is like they don't hide money because that's going to take them to jail. What they do is really managing their business as a business, hiring a tax professional who knows how to do tax strategies. And one thing I want you to make sure you understand that having a tax analysis, having a tax strategies is totally, totally different than just having a tax return done.
And even like when it comes to tax return, your tax professional can help you save a lot of money if they ask you enough questions to know what you have been doing, to know what really can save you and how can they save you, to know your goals, to understand your situation. And I know a lot of people are bothered by the questions. They don't like that their tax professionals asking them the question. But I tell you be, be wary if you, if your tax professional do not ask you questions. And those questions can be in a questionnaire, they don't have to come talk to you and ask you those questions because these questionnaires are for everyone. But if they find that they need to have more questions, they always ask you because these questions identify to know that hey, this is a way for me to understand your situation. So where can I save you money after facts? Because I understand the law as a tax professional, the tax law, So I know where can I save you money, I know what opportunities that there is available for you. While some tax professionals, they do not have that knowledge and they just did not work on that knowledge and they just do data entry a lot in the market. Because simply tax tax industry is not regulated. So anyone can do taxes simply they do data entry. And this is when you price shopping, you will fall into those hands to save few hundred. You're going to end up being thousands of dollars, thousands of dollars just to save a couple of hundreds in the beginning.
So you are the judge, you will have to make that decision. Do you want to get the best tax situation tax position or do you just want to save some hundreds? When you're doing your taxes, that's your job, that's your responsibility.
And let me give you a professional advice. Never, never try to hide money income. You are supposed to report all the income.
Because if you don't, if that's committing fraud and if you do fraud, one simple thing I'm going to tell you that's one of the things that can take you to jail.
But when you do tax planning, that is okay.
You are using the tax law and this is why the tax law is there.
But be careful, who do you work with? Be careful not to do do it, do DIY when it comes to your taxes. Because trust me, you will end up losing a lot of money. I have a lot of stories that I can share with you and I can share with you later and in different episodes on how and when you might be in trouble. Or also I can share with you the stories of my clients. Why save them a lot of money? Let me remind you of the story, I don't remember if I mentioned it here on the show before. One family, they came to me last year and when we finished their taxes they found out they are getting more than $10,000 in return from federal alone. And they were surprised because they always.
[00:09:13] Speaker B: Pay.
[00:09:16] Speaker A: And they were really concerned because simply when they did it last year or the prior year, they had to pay. And there's nothing has changed, Nothing has changed between the two years. So when I reviewed their prior year I found out there was a lot of mistakes and a lot of opportunities their tax professionalized. So what we did, we did the amendment for them and this happened often.
And when we did the amendments they are getting more than $20,000 as a refund for the prior year. This happens often simply because not a lot of people have a tax knowledge and also not a lot of people are willing to take the time to really see your case and put themselves in your shoes and taking care of you the way they wanted to be taken care of themselves. Or if they are working with a professional, they would love for them to take care of them. So make sure you know who you are. Working with and if you would like to work with my company, I would love to help you. So you can go ahead and book a time with my
[email protected] contact that nourishbooks.com contact and I can't wait to have you as a client and to help saving you money and prevent overpaying in taxes for you and your family.
Now I can't wait to speak to my guest today. We're going to talk about New Year, we're going to talk about personal branding and more. So stay with me. I can't wait to have my guest and have her share the knowledge with you.
So stay here and we will be right back.
[00:11:32] Speaker B: Foreign.
[00:11:38] Speaker A: Welcome back. This is your host Nura Mosri. And this is Echoes of Impact with Noora. I'm really happy to talk to my friend Taline at this segment. She's a returning guest and she is at Post Diplomat. If you recall, we had her many times last year and we're going, we're going to be a having her more this year as well because she has a lot, a lot to share with us. Taline will come back and happy New Year.
[00:12:08] Speaker B: Happy New Year. Neura. So lovely to see you again.
[00:12:11] Speaker A: Well, it's always see you like the bright colors that you have, your energy. I just love talking to you.
So tell me, what about the new year? What have you done like last year, like your goals and what are you planning for 2025?
[00:12:28] Speaker B: That is such a loaded question for me because I treat New Year's like a big holiday. So you know how every year you have your birthday, I turn my birthday into a massive celebration. The new year is exactly the same thing because this is a time for us to reflect but then also a time to really put in big dreams, scary dreams, dreams that you think there's no way I'm able to do this. But the bigger your dreams are, the more committed you are. So I have an entire plan on how to make some of those dreams come to life. And I would love to like walk you through those steps and show your viewers how to do that as well.
[00:13:08] Speaker A: Yes, please go ahead.
[00:13:10] Speaker B: Yes. So one of the things that I highly recommend is having a vision board. And this vision board is something big. Like really, really big. And I do have an example I can show you. I don't know if your, your viewers can see this. Probably not. But if you go to my Instagram at Boss Diplomat, you'll see what my vision board looks like. No, it's huge. It's like this big is right in my face, in my bedroom, and in the middle, this is 2025. And you basically break up your goals into four sections. You have health, wealth, relationship, self, and you put in as many different things that you want related to wealth in each of those areas. And those are the goals that you work on every single day for the consistency.
And this is how you measure your personal brand growth over time.
[00:14:07] Speaker A: This is interesting. Of course we're going to talk about branding because this is. You are the queen of them. So you kind of merge now your personal goals and how you do your personal branding as well. So. Yeah, like how do you measure it? Like how do you measure both? Like together?
[00:14:25] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, your personal brand is you. So if you're not improving, your brand isn't improving with you. If you're improving as an individual and you have financial goals behind that, then your brand has to move along with that. So, Nora, one of my big, big goals for this year is I want to hit $50,000 per month in my business and eventually that number is going to get bigger. But for me that's a scary number. And I've got mini goals now on, okay, how do I make this happen? And the way I see it, I mean, you're a tax professional, so you're going to probably like what I say here. So the year is split up into quarters.
What I do is I split the whole year into 12 week plans. So it doesn't matter when you start. You don't have to start in January. You can start in the middle of August and have a 12 week plan. You stick with that plan for a solid 12 weeks, you hit as many of those goals as possible. By the end of the 12 weeks, you review, see what worked, what didn't, and then you start again and then that's a fresh 12 weeks. So 12 weeks equals to one year.
That's how condensed my timetable is to making these goals happen.
[00:15:44] Speaker A: Oh, this is great. And I love that because sometimes when we put the goal just you mentioned like 50,000amonth. Now if you one month, like you didn't hit that, like, will be discouraged. But if you have them as a 12 weeks, you want to have like 150 on those, like three months. That's much easier because one month might be higher than the other. And this is the, you know, of the business. Unless you have a recurring income coming, you know, it might go up and down. So it's a great way to have it like in a quarterly basis. And that's gonna make you like, like, I need to hit it.
[00:16:20] Speaker B: Like, let's.
[00:16:21] Speaker A: Let's move up this month. I love that.
So what. What other tools do you use? Like, you mentioned the vision board that you have in your bedroom now. What other tools? Like measurements.
[00:16:34] Speaker B: How do I measure it? By looking at that thing every single day, reviewing that 12 goal every single day and making sure, okay, what am I supposed to be doing this week? Because I've already figured that out. The next 12 weeks of my life is written on paper. Now I just need to go back week one, week two. So imagine this is week 13. I look into my notebook. What do I have to do this week in order to hit my bigger goals? So it's all about reviewing that and then putting action behind it. And I think one thing I need to mention to your audience, Nora, is it's important to realize how. How do you celebrate success and what happens to you when you fail? Because if you. If you failed on something, which is natural, we're entrepreneurs. We will fail at things.
Do you go under your she and be depressed and go, oh, my God, nothing's working. I'm going to quit? Or are you going to use your failure to say, you know what? I'm not going to let this beat me. I'm going to do better. And you actually use that to propel yourself further. So are you person A who gets really depressed, or are you person B, you're using that failure to push you to the next level. When it comes to personal branding, that is the most important part. It's growth. You have to do things that are so uncomfortable for you that you're willing to take the risk whether you're going to succeed or fail.
[00:17:59] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. And like you said, like, we always kind of fail. And this is what, how we learn, like, when we fail, that we went where we learned the most. But sometimes when we fail, like, you get, oh, I, you know, you get discouraged. You get like, okay, maybe I cannot do it. Maybe I have a bigger dream, bigger than I am. Will I ever reach that? And some people, like, and it happens to me sometimes, like, especially now in the beginning of the year, because I was going hard until December. In the beginning of the year, I felt like, okay, I got sick. And I am. I felt like a failure until yesterday. I felt like, oh, my God, I can't even get myself up, like, to start the year right. I still have to still work on some of my goals. I did the first steps, but I still have to work on that.
[00:18:48] Speaker B: So.
[00:18:48] Speaker A: So what? What would you do when this happened?
[00:18:52] Speaker B: Well, just, well, sickness is one thing, right. No one feels good when they're sick. Get better and then get back onto, onto reminding yourself, what do I want to achieve? Why do I want to achieve this? What is the biggest big impact behind it? So don't just look at the numbers, like $50,000, okay, that's a number. But what is the real reason behind why you want to achieve that? For me, it's obviously financial freedom. I want to travel wherever, whenever, and I don't want to work all day, you know, so you got to remember what is the bigger reasons behind those numbers and then hold on to that. That is pretty much your anchor. And your personal brand is pushing you towards those big opportunities and how your.
[00:19:37] Speaker A: Personal brand supports your goals.
[00:19:39] Speaker B: Yeah. So your personal brand is. Think of it as a magnet. Right. You're either going to attract really good opportunities with a strong magnet or you're going to repel opportunities that doesn't benefit you. Right. So your personal brand is going to act like the magnet. The things that doesn't, doesn't serve you. Your personal brand is going to automatically say no to that because people know I can't afford her or I'm not ready for her or she deserves something bigger or, you know, there's going to be those kinds of conversations happening behind the scenes.
Those are the opportunities that are automatically being repelled because your magnet can only go one way, it can't go the other way. Or your personal brand is so strong you are automatically getting bigger, better opportunities. You have a bigger stage, your clients are willing to pay you a lot more.
I mean, one of the things that I tried, Nora, is I'm now hosting the Fairy Boss Mother show where I'm providing a free brand review of people that I don't know. And I reviewed someone who's a rocket scientist turned financial advisor. I've never met her before. This was our first interaction and at the end of the call, she became a $20,000 client for me based on a half hour competition. That's the kind of like magnet you want you. So you have to really show yourself up on the spot.
[00:21:07] Speaker A: That's awesome. And I love that. And I want to talk more about how are you doing this in your show after the break now, like, guys, we'll be right back. This is your host, Nur Masri. And this is Echoes from Facts with Back. This is your host, Noora Masri. And this is Echoes of Impact with Noora. We're back with my friend Taline, the post Diplomat. We're talking about how your personal brand can be a magnet for your dream clients. So, Talin, you mentioned before the break that you had a $20,000 client just because you had her on the show and you did the personal brand analysis. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?
[00:22:25] Speaker B: Yeah. So this is a new format that I'm trying. I'm no longer meeting people unless it's for my content. So I'm trying to hit two birds with one stone. This is content for me, so people can actually see what I do with my clients without meeting me. On top of that, I'm giving that individual visibility, and on top of that, I'm giving them free advice that is quite high level that they can go off and implement themselves. But, Nora, it's not a. It's not a soft touch when it comes to the review. I tell my guests, do you want the boss mode where I. I give you no filter, it's very direct and it must sting you a little bit. Or do you want the kitty gloves where I can give you a more gentle touch? No one's ever taken the soft option. So when I give them a hard review, I give them a hard review. And sometimes I have to gauge am I going to make this person cry because of what I'm saying? But I also give them a lot of really positive feedback because your personal brand is already inside you. My job is to pull it out. So once I pull it out and I show them what they're capable of, they get so amped up, they get so much energy by the end of the show, because I'm showing them these are the things that you're doing wrong, but these are the things you could be doing right because it's already. You're already doing it and they don't know that.
[00:23:45] Speaker A: That's awesome. And do you find resistance when you do that?
[00:23:48] Speaker B: No, because I tell them right from the beginning, you. You choose. Do you want easy mode? Did you want hard mode? If they go for hard Mode, which is 100%, I've never had someone say they want the easy mode. They know what they're expecting, so they are prepped in advance. They know exactly what to expect on the show, and by the end of it, they know exactly what they need for their business as well.
[00:24:13] Speaker A: That's awesome. And like, for someone, like, who's doing the branding, branding is over there in front of everyone. But how would you say, like, someone has a sensitive information, like, from the client we like for. Let's take me as an example. Right. So I work on their books, I work on their taxes. All of these are confidential information.
So. And there's a lot of other jobs like would be a lot of confidential. How would you recommend doing the same concept but without compromising the information?
[00:24:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I think one of the things that you could potentially do is where are they losing the biggest amount of money and what have they been ignoring in their taxes that is actually not benefiting them or could benefit them? So if there's something that they've decided, I'm going to omit this information. You're basically will be saying, well, if you emit this tiny little box, you could be fined this amount automatically and that's a huge liability to you. I think another thing that you could potentially do is teaching your clients what is a liability, what is an asset, what is an expense, what is an income? Because I think the average person actually do not understand this. If you have too many expenses, that is actually not good for you.
If you have too many liabilities, that's not good for you. So how can you turn your liabilities into an asset, but how can you ensure that you keep the taxes low by having all of these assets and expenses? I think those are the kind of things that you could do without too much confidential information.
[00:25:52] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. I mean like I did one time like a fake tax return and I YouTube on that, like just explaining line by line because it really hits me like a lot of people don't understand how to read their tax returns. And especially for example, mostly men take care of their taxes. Like there are women who take care of the taxes and working with the tax professional, but they don't understand how to read it. And the problem with that, you have to sign. So whether you understand or not, you have to sign. So you are liable for anything that you are doing. So I did that video like about. Okay, what's what, how do you, how do you read it? Just the highlight information and I loved it, but that's about it. Like I didn't do something like illustrated like that after that. But this is like a good way to, to have people understand it more.
But what other ways like you would say, like you would push your personal brand to attract more clients other than like having a video or podcast. What would you say another way to do that?
[00:27:03] Speaker B: The visibility is absolutely the most important thing. It doesn't matter which platform you choose. Some people are comfortable with just LinkedIn, other people want to go all out and do videos on YouTube and Instagram. So it depends on your comfort level, some people only want to do blogs and that's absolutely fine. But you really have to be consistent. You can't just post once a month and expect something to happen because other people are posting three times a day. That's your competition. So you really have to dial down on how often you're showing up. But then what is the call to action? What do you expect to get by sharing this information? Do you want more followers? If you want more followers, what's the purpose behind that? Or do you want to turn them into clients? Clients do not buy high ticket just by looking at a blog or watching a video. They will buy something for free or something like, which is really, really cheap. Something below $100.
Just think of how you consume information and how you make decisions. Guess what? Your customers and your clients are going to do exactly the same thing to you. So flip it and see how do you consume information? What is the best way you like to consume information? And then flip it, put a mirror in front of it and try to do the same thing for your business as well.
[00:28:27] Speaker A: Absolutely. Thank you so much telling for that. So in this area, like I heard, like, did you hear like about TikTok is not going to be banned and a lot of people, like moving to whatever road notes or whatever that is and changing the platform. A lot of people, like now they don't know what should we do? Like, should we be in this platform, the other platform? And you kind of mentioned, like, choose your platform. But a lot of time, like people see, okay, when, because when TikTok started, like there was a lot of opportunities for businesses because there's not too many people there as a business owner and now maybe they see the opportunities and the other platforms coming up, but that might be a distraction. Sometimes. Sometimes it's good for the business. From a personal brand point of view, what would you say is the best approach?
[00:29:22] Speaker B: Yeah, that's a tricky one because I recently just had someone on my show who has 132,000 followers on TikTok and that's it. So she's about to lose a massive audience. So my advice to that client was, you have over 500 videos already.
Repurpose all of that content onto Instagram and repurpose it onto YouTube shorts. He's got two and a half years worth of content. So I told her, look, your content is evergreen, right? It has no timeline. So your content that you created two years ago is still relevant today. Repurpose that, start working on your products and refining your services and Add every content that you add on other platforms onto your website because your website is your headquarters. If you're not sharing the same information on your website like you are on all of the other platforms, guess what? The same thing could happen. Instagram could go down, or Facebook could go down, or any other social media platform they can go tomorrow. But your website is your home. It's not going anywhere. So make sure that every single content that you are posting online, you post it on your website first.
[00:30:36] Speaker A: Okay, so let's focus on this. So how do they post it on their website? Like just a regular website as in video, not a link to YouTube or anything?
[00:30:45] Speaker B: No, just like as a blog, I would say. So if you do have a 30 second reel that you want to share, share it on your blog, but then add some more context to it. And then that, that link to Instagram or, or TikTok is still, it still lives on that platform, but you're just linking it to another page on your website. And then if you know anything about SEO, so search engine optimization, you want to make sure that you get more traffic coming onto your website than any of those other platforms. You don't want to send people away from your website. You want to hold them onto your website as much as possible because that's where the sale should happen. It shouldn't happen outside. You want to attract people to your website as much as possible and keep them inside your website.
[00:31:36] Speaker A: Absolutely. Thank you. This is a great advice.
Now what, how can people work with you? Like where do they find you and what's the recommendation? I know like maybe every client is different but like tell us the process for they find you.
[00:31:55] Speaker B: Yeah, the process is very simple. So you can find me on Instagram at Boss Diplomat. That's where I usually engage with people directly. So if you have a message for me, I will be messaging you back directly. The other thing you could do is go to bossdiplomat.com and apply to be a guest on my show. This is how you're going to get a brand review for your business. If you decided, you know what, I just want to work with you directly right on the homepage. There's a way for you 90 minute deep dive in your business. That's another way that you can work with me. So those would be the main ways to get in touch.
[00:32:37] Speaker A: Thank you so much, Taline. Thank you guys. Like, I'll see you after the break. This is Echoes of Impact with Noora. We'll be right back.
Welcome back. This is your host, noora Masri. And this is Echoes of Impact with Noora. So we're back with my friend Taline talking about personal branding and new year and every great thing that's going to benefit you as business owner for 2025. Now telling we come back, I want to talk to you about working with a coach. I know that you have changed your business like multiple times. Like last year, you really changed the way you work with people and you worked with many coaches. So can you tell us a little bit about that and how can other people kind of those.
[00:33:55] Speaker B: I say thank you so much for having me back, Nora. It's always nice to see you again.
And one of the things that I noticed was a lot of business owners, Nora, and I'm sure you see this all the time. They go through burnout when they have too many clients or they have too many opportunities or just too many to do's in their life. And that's exactly what I experienced in 2023. So all of last year I decided to take a pause in my business and I only took like a very small handful of clients because I use that time to reflect and take a step back to see how can I work less in my business but still make a really big impact and grow my audience. So I sought out the best coaches on Instagram and these are people who have close to like a hun from a hundred thousand followers to 1.5 million followers online. And I decided, you know what, these guys know what they're talking about. They're the ones that I'm going to invest my money in and I'm going to learn everything I can about social media, Instagram, YouTube, how to build a personal brand consultancy without hiring employees. Because that was the biggest things that I was worried about. I didn't want more employees and how to really refine your process in your business without more expenses.
[00:35:23] Speaker A: Hmm, good. So what's the approach you took? Like to work with those coaches? Because like also investing that much money, like a lot of people get scared like, okay, like I need to show up differently. I need to make sure like my money is worth it. So it's an investment.
So how did you make sure like you really, this money is investment and it's going to give you a return on investment?
[00:35:49] Speaker B: Yeah, the return on investment. That's a tricky one to gauge because if I'm going to have clients pay me between 5 to 20k or maybe more, I need to make sure that I show up in the best way possible, that the client sees all of that Confidence in me. And that's exactly what I did with the people that I hired. You know, they. They were coaches that were between 10 and $20,000. It was a really scary number. It's really scary to put that into your credit card, knowing it might not work, it might not be good for me. But I took four months researching them. I watched all of the reels. I watched everything that people were saying about them. I was seeing what the client's results were. And I know the results are going to be different from different clients, but I took faith that they have a process that is nailed down.
I want to know the process. I want to see the behind the scenes on how they work with their clients. And that's how I was able to learn so much in a short amount of time. Because when you hire someone who's doing better than you and who are charging a ridiculous amount for their work, that's your shortcut. So you're not spending years trying to figure out the same thing.
[00:37:02] Speaker A: You.
[00:37:02] Speaker B: You can probably learn all of this yourself, but you're spending more time than money. And for me, my time is more important than my money. So I would rather shortcut it, learn from them in two months, implement it, and then move on to the next one, then spend another five years trying to figure it out myself.
[00:37:21] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. I love working with coaches as well. Like, because, you know, like, even if you know something, right. I feel like when someone from outside see it and tell you, point it out for you, it's totally different. And like you said, like, it's a shortcut. But that what I heard, like, when you were talking, they must have a great personal branding as well, right?
[00:37:44] Speaker B: Yes. So the reasons why they have a follower is because, again, they show up. These people are serious about bringing in new clients every single day. They show up three times a day. Three times a day on Instagram. That's three videos a day. And I had to do the same thing.
And as a result, I was refining how I wanted to show up, what my messaging was. So my personal brand. Last year, Nora, was really pushed to the edge, and my level of discomfort was really, really high. Every day I just felt like everything hurts. This is so painful. I don't know if I can do this. There was so much doubt whether I can Max, I can reach their level in a short amount of time.
But the minute someone says, you know what, Charlene, yes, I do want to work with you. Here's a deposit. Look, I just did it. This is proof that I can do it. And if I can do it, my clients can do the same thing too. And now I'm using the same process. I've got an entire new process on how I work with my clients. And it's very, very defined. It doesn't matter who the client is or what industry they're in, my process now stays exactly the same because I know I can get them results.
[00:38:56] Speaker A: Awesome. So do you do the strategy for your client or do you do more than strategy?
[00:39:03] Speaker B: So strategy is the foundation of the work I do. But essentially in 100 days, I build them a really powerful brand. So in less than three months, rather than them figuring things out for a whole year trying to figure out who they are, what do they want to do, how do they reposition themselves in their market, how should they price themselves, how did they get clients? I do all of that for them. I built that entire system for them in 100 days. And within the 100 days, I get them to get the first case study clients that are paid for them in that new price strategy.
[00:39:37] Speaker A: That's awesome. So let me ask you some social media question. So I see a lot of influencer or business owners, they do a lot of stories. Like, from your opinion, from your experience, do you think stories is the way to go or is it like posting shorts and like static posts? Like, what would you say? Like especially on Instagram, like, what would be the strategy that you recommend for your clients most of the time.
[00:40:04] Speaker B: So stories are. Stories disappear, you know, once you post it, it's there for 24 hours and then it disappears. Your reels are going to be there unless you take it down. So your reels are the foundational piece. This is the thing that you should be posting every day. I don't recommend three times a day. That's crazy. Maybe once a day. Because, you know, especially for people who are not comfortable with it. And it doesn't even have to be reels. You can put a static post, but reels are recommended because that's what people are paying attention to now. That's the trend.
But I would recommend you should have stories on Instagram at least three times a week. But your stories, isn't you just reposting something with no context? So I'll give you an example. No. If you want to hear it.
[00:40:50] Speaker A: Yeah, sure.
[00:40:50] Speaker B: Are you right? So we're talking about personal branding. People want to know who they are going to get into business with. So rather than just saying, I'm a tax professional, talk about your background, you know, where you came from, you came from Syria. This is the reason why I moved to America. While I was in America, I did 1, 2 and 3. And then I found that I was really good with taxes. And this is how much money I made for my clients in the nonprofit world today. I've worked with X, Y and Z clients and I help them save this much money or I helped a client figure out that they could be paying this much for their taxes. I showed them the results and then at the end of that story is that's my story. How can I make your life better? So it's not about the tax so much. It's I'm here to solve a problem for you. I have the solution to solve the problem for you. And I'm the best person for you to work with right now. So you're structuring your stories in a story like manner now.
[00:41:52] Speaker A: Nice that I love that. And you know, like it's not easy to have a story. Like I see people posting multiple stories, like sharing everything on social media. I started doing that last year a little bit but like then I stopped because like I found myself like I am not that story person. Like where I can always share.
But it does work definitely. Like it does remind people about you. And yeah, people love to connect. I see from myself like when I, I want to hear the story behind like I love that when you shared that your story, how you moved to America and like how did you find your purpose? Like you cried on that video. So I, I love that. I'm assuming every person loves to watch that. I have to get back on track on that because I. So yeah. Thank you so much for sharing that, Taline. And hopefully you are going to go beyond your goal this year and I can't wait to watch your success. Thank you so much again for being here with me today and I can't wait to see you back on the show again and to watch your success. Guys, go ahead and follow Tallinn at Post Diplomat and talk to her, connect with her so she can help you build your personal brand as well.
[00:43:06] Speaker B: Thank you so much.
[00:43:08] Speaker A: Of course. Thank you so much for being here with me.
Right. We came to the end. I know this is a great episode and I love being here with you guys. I love talking to my friend Taline. As always, until next time, keep making an impact.
[00:43:28] Speaker B: This has been a NOW Media Network's feature presentation. All rights reserved.